Nancy Bohl Bormann
Nancy Bohl Bormann is a PhD Candidate at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in the Soil, Water, and Climate Department. She received her B. S. from Iowa State University and M.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her main research project is working on the development and implementation of a nationwide manure test database called ManureDB. Previously she worked in the nutrient management field for fourteen years as a CCA with The Maschhoffs. Nancy is the Kossuth Soil and Water Conservation District Chair, an Iowa State University Northern Research Farm Board Member, and a member of the AgGateway Laboratory Data Standardization Working Group. She has a passion for the intersection of agriculture and the environment, especially in nutrient management, agricultural data management, and soil and water quality areas.
Certifications and Training
ECHO (Equity Certificate Hosted Online) Certificate, 2023
LinkedIn Learning SQL Essential Training, 2023
MN Nitrogen Smart Training,2022
UMN Geospatial Skills Badge, 2022
UMN Foundations of Data Management Badge, 2021
LinkedIn Learning Excel: PivotTables in Depth, 2021
Manure Management Planning in MN Course, 2021
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Graduate Student Leadership Conference, 2021
Systems Thinking Workshop, 2021
Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) certification, 2009-present
Iowa Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) certification, 2006-present
National Pork Producers Council Public Policy Leadership Institute, 2009
ASA Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship, 2023
Hueg Harrison Fellowship, 2023
National Pork Board Pork Industry Innovation Challenge Participation Award, 2023
Iowa Chapter of Soil and Water Conservation Society Scholarship, 2022
North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference Graduate Student Award, 2022
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Future Leaders in Science Award, 2022
Soil Science Society of America and U.S. Committee for Soil Science World Congress of Soil Science Fellowship Travel Award, 2022
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Encompass Scholars Award, 2022
George Rehm Nutrient Management Fellowship, 2021 and 2022
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture’s Ag Leader Award for CCAs, 2019
ISU Women in Agriculture Leadership Conference Panelist, 2017
ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Outstanding Young Professional Award, 2016
ISU Extension Women Impacting the Land Award, 2016
Iowa Environmental Farm Leader Award, 2015
Iowa Farm Bureau Young Farmer Achievement Award, 2013
AgGateway Ag Lab Data Standardization Working Group Member, 2023-present
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Scientists Engaging & Educating Decision-makers (SEED) Ambassador, 2022-2023
Board Member, North Central Iowa Research Association, 2022-present
University of Minnesota Soil, Water, & Climate Department Seminar Committee, 2022
1st Alternate Director Region 2, Conservation Districts of Iowa, 2017-present
Kossuth Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner, 2012-present, Chair 2018-present
Iowa State University Honors Alumni Board, 2012-2017
Good Environmental Livestock Production Practices (GELPP) Canvass Committee, 2010-2021
Algona High School Agricultural Advisory Council and FFA Alumni Member, 2008-present
USDA National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, Stakeholder, 2008-2020
Professional Memberships
American Society ofAgronomy (ASA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Iowa Pork Producers Association
Publications: *Current doctoral research
Bohl Bormann, N.L., C.A. Baxter, T.W. Andraski, L.W. Good, and L.G. Bundy. 2012. Scale-of- measurement effects on phosphorus in run of from cropland. p.122-133 J. Soil Water Conserv. Vol. 67 No. 02
Bohl Bormann, N.L., C.A. Baxter, T.W. Andraski, L.W. Good, and L.G. Bundy. 2010. Source Water Effects on Runoff Composition under Simulated Rainfall. p. 612-618 Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. J. Vol. 74 No. 02
Refereed Journal Articles
Non-refereed Journal Articles
*Bohl Bormann, N. (2023). Introducing ManureDB: A new way to view manure variability and trends. Journal of Nutrient Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, 18-20.
*Linam, F. and Bormann, N.B. (2022). ‘An Amazing Opportunity’: Students Receive Fellowships to Travel to World Congress of Soil Science. CSA News, 67: 46-47.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., Wilson, M.L, & Cortus, E.L. (2022). How is manure changing over time? Trends in Midwest manure sample data. University of Minnesota Extension Nutrient Management blog post.
Proceedings of Conferences
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., Wilson, M.L., Cortus, E.L., Janni, K.A., Silverstein, K.A.T., & Gunderson, L.M., 2023. Manure and Organic Amendment Test Database Development in the US. [Proceedings]. RAMIRAN (Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture Network) Conference, Cambridge, UK.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Janni, K., Silverstein, K., & Gunderson, L., 2023. ManureDB: Creating a Nationwide Manure Test Database. [Proceedings]. Western Nutrient Management Conference, Reno, NV.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., Wilson, M.L., Cortus, E.L., Floren, J., Miller, R.O., & Gunderson, L., 2022. Manure Total 2 Nitrogen Variability Due to Analytical Method and Total Solids Content. [Proceedings]. North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, Des Moines, IA.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Janni, K., Gunderson, L., Prather, T., and Silverstein, K. 2022. Trends in Manure Sample Data. [Proceedings]. Waste to Worth Conference, Oregon, OH.
Bohl, N.L., C.A. Baxter, L.G. Bundy, T.W. Andraski, and L.W. Good. 2006. Scale of measurement effects on phosphorus in runoff from cropland. p. 288-295. In Proc. WI Fert., Aglime, and Pest Management Conf., Madison, WI. Vol. 45, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
Bohl, N.L., L.G. Bundy, C.A. Baxter, T.W. Andraski, and L.W. Good. 2005. Scale of measurement effects on phosphorus runoff losses from cropland. p. 130-137. In Proc. North Central Ext. - Industry Soil Fertil. Conf., Des Moines, IA. Vol. 21, Potash and Phosphate Inst., Brookings, SD.
Software, Product and Web Resource Development
*ManureDB. Manure test database, 2024. Data cleaning and validation, participation in schema development, website content development, laboratory communications and recruitment, stakeholder participation, monthly meetings.
Presentations, Posters, and Exhibits: *Current doctoral research
Invited Presentations at Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2024. Best Practices for Manure Sampling and an Update on the ManureDB manure database project. University of Minnesota Extension Nutrient Management Conference, Mankato, MN.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2024. Upcoming Models and Tools to Improve Manure Management. Livestock and Poultry Learning Community Webinar Series, online.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. ManureDB: The creation and launch of the largest manure nutrient database in the US. Iowa Learning Farms Webinar Series, online.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. Using ManureDB to View Aggregated Manure Nutrient Data. Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School, Ocean City, MD.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. Testing manure: Variability and trends over time. North American Manure Expo, Arlington, WI.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. ManureDB: Creating a Nationwide Manure Test Database. Southern Extension and Research Activity Information Exchange Group Meeting, Auburn, AL.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. ManureDB: Building a Nationwide Manure Test Database. Mid-Atlantic Soil Testing & Plant Analysis Work Group Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2023. Manure Trends Across Animal Species. Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories Agronomy Update, New Ulm, MN.
*Bohl Bormann, N.L., 2022. Nutrient Management: A Tool to Address Supply Chain Challenges, Farmer and Agronomist Perspective, Congressional Soils Caucus Briefing Series, Online.
*Bohl Bormann, N. & Sabbagh, M. 2021. Improvements in Manure Management. World Pork Expo, Des Moines, IA. Bohl, N.L., Baxter, C.A., Bundy, L.G., Andraski, T., & Good, L.W., 2006. Plot and watershed scale measurements of phosphorus runoff losses. Pioneer Farm Research Symposium, Platteville, WI.
Bohl, N., 2005. Phosphorus loss measurements at the plot and subwatershed scales. Pioneer Farm Research Symposium, Platteville, WI.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Silverstein, K., & Janni, K. (2023) ManureDB: A New Way to Access U.S. Manure Nutrient Data Approximations [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Janni, K., Silverstein, K., & Gunderson, L. 2022. Recent Manure Test Data Demonstrates Need for Updated Manure Book Values [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Prather, T., Silverstein, K., Janni, K., & Gunderson, L., 2022. ManureDB: A case for standardizing organic soil amendment information. [Abstract]. World Congress of Soil Science, Glasgow, Scotland.
*Bohl Bormann, N., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., Floren, J., Miller, R. O., & Gunderson, L. 2021. Differences in Manure Total Nitrogen Results Due to Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Nitrogen Combustion Methods [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Bohl Bormann, N., Baxter, C., Andraski, T., & Bundy, L. 2006. Source Water Effects on Runoff Composition under Simulated Rainfall. [Abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Bohl, N. L., Baxter, C., Andraski, T. W., Good, L., & Bundy, L. 2005. Phosphorus Loss Measurements at the Plot and Watershed Scales. [Abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.